Centralize And Monitor Your Application & System Logs On The Cloud For Free

Logging as a Service with Loggly and Logz.io
Get started monitoring and analyzing your logs (AWS, Java, Python, Syslog, Docker & More) in the cloud for free using Logging as a Service providers such as Loggly and Logz.io


Loggly is a SaaS log management service that offers a unified log analysis and monitoring platform with many DevOps integrations.

Loggly provides setup instructions for a wide array of log sources and platforms. Depending on the log source, Loggly will try to analyse and extract fields that can be used to display & filter logs.

After setting up your log sources, you can monitor your logs from the Search page. A log event timeline chart is displayed alongside a log listing using one of the following view types:

  • Events view: The logs are presented as rows that can be expanded to view more the details
  • Grid view: A table view of the logs with custom columns Logs can be filtered with different criteria depending on the source: severity level, application, host etc.
    Logs search

The standard plan includes:

  • Dashboards and charts visualization
    Chart Editor
  • Email alerts
    Create Alert (1)
    Create Alert (2)

The Pro plan includes:

  • Parsing rules to create derived fields
    Derived fields
  • Webhook alerts
  • PagerDuty, Slack and HipChat integrations

The Enterprise plan includes:

  • GitHub and JIRA Software integration
  • Live Tail: near real time log display

Supported log sources

Android, Angular JS, Apache, AWS, Browser File Upload, Chef, Command Line File Upload, Cron, Django, Docker, Flash, FluentD, Heroku, HTTP/S Bulk Endpoint, HTTP/S Event Endpoint, IIS, iOS, Java (Log4j, Logback), Javascript, Linux, Logstash, Mac, MongoDB, MS SQLServer, MySQL, .NET, Network Devices and Routers, Nginx, Node.js, PHP, PostgreSQL, Puppet, Python, Rsyslog, Ruby, Syslog Endpoint, Syslog-ng, Tomcat, Tracking Pixel, Unity 3D, Webhooks, Windows

Free plan limits

  • Log capacity: 200 MB / day
  • Log retention: 7 days
  • Users: 1
  • No Live Tail (available in the Enterprise plan)
  • No Alerts (available in paid plans)


  • You can use the -xx<unit> format either on the from input or the from query parameter of on the search page to indicate the starting time of the displayed log events:
    • xx: number
    • <unit>: s for seconds, m for minutes, h for hours, d for days
  • The until input / query parameter supports the same format in addition to now that can be used to indicate the current time.

Loggly - 1. Signup
Get started by signing up on https://www.loggly.com/signup/
Loggly - 2. Customize your account
Enter your details
Loggly - 3. Confirmation
Proceed to your account
Loggly - 4. Log Sources (1)
Follow the instructions for each of your logging sources
Loggly - 4. Log Sources (2)
More logging sources
Loggly - 5. Linux log source setup
Linux log source setup instructions


Logz.io is a cloud based log management service based on the ELK (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana) stack.

To connect your log source, detailed instructions are available for many platforms in the Log Shipping page.

After setting up your log sources, navigate to the Kibana page to start monitoring your application:

  • From the Discover tab, you can visualize and filter your logs and create alerts.
    Kibana discover
    Create Alert (1)
    Create Alert (2)
  • Display and create visualizations using the Visualize tab.
    Create chart
  • Display and create dashboards using the Dashboard tab.

Near real-time log data can be viewed and filtered from the Live Tail page.

Live Tail

A library of visualizations, dashboards, searches and alerts can be installed for free from the ELK Apps page.

ELK Apps

Supported log sources

AWS, Apache, Azure, Beats, Bulk HTTP/S, Cloud Foundry, Docker, .NET (NLog Target, log4net Appender), File Upload (cURL), Filebeat, Fluentd, GitLab, Go, HAProxy, Heroku, IIS, Java (log4j2 & logback appenders), Jenkins, JMX, Kubernetes, Linux, Logstash, MySQL, Network Device, Nginx, Node.js, Puppet, Python, Rsyslog, Ruby, TLS/SSL TCP, Windows, Zipkin

Free plan limits

  • Log capacity: 3 GB / day
  • Log retention: 3 days
  • Users: 50
  • Live Tail: 1 concurrent
  • Alerts: 50

Logz.io - 1. Signup
Get started by signing up on https://logz.io/freetrial/
Logz.io - 2. Setup wizard
Follow the setup steps
Logz.io - 3. Setup wizard technologies
Select the technologies you are using
Logz.io - 4. Log Shippers
Follow the instructions for each of your logging sources

Author Image

Soufiane Sakhi is an AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate and a professional full stack developer based in Paris, France. He is the creator of Simply-how.com, the My Route Directions Android app, and many open source browser extensions such as YouTube Playlist Helper and Feedly filtering and sorting.