12 Tips for New Python Coders

- 1. Take Advantage of Free Resources
- 2. Master the Fundamentals
- 3. Use IDEs
- 4. Utilize Libraries
- 5. Focus on Readability & Simplicity
- 6. Make Use of Documentation
- 7. Comment Your Code
- 8. Understand User Input & Outputs
- 9. Practice Debugging Regularly
- 10. Use Code Refactoring
- 11. Take Breaks
- 12. Have Fun
Take Advantage of Free Resources
The internet has a plethora of free resources available. From tutorials and cheat sheets to e-books and video courses, there's never been a better time to learn code.
Practice makes perfect – so don't be afraid to experiment and make mistakes as you learn.
Master the Fundamentals
Before diving into bigger projects, it's important that new coders understand the fundamentals of Python.
Through these basics, you'll gain an understanding of how various elements fit together in a program, including variables, functions, loops, classes, etc. Once these concepts are mastered, then it will be easier for coders to move on to more complex challenges.
Use IDEs
An Integrated Development Environment (IDE) is a code editor with additional features like automation tools and debugging capabilities which makes writing code much simpler for beginners.
Popular IDEs include PyCharm and Visual Studio Code which both provide easy interfaces for troubleshooting your errors effectively and efficiently. The former is also a Mac Python editor, meaning that you can use it if you own a MacBook.
Utilize Libraries
While it can be tempting for new coders to write their own code from scratch, libraries can save valuable time since they contain existing modules or packages that may be plugged into your project quickly and easily without needing any additional coding knowledge or skill sets.
Some popular libraries include TensorFlow, NumPy, Scikit-Learn, Pandas, Matplotlib, etc., all of which come pre-installed when using a virtual environment such as Anaconda.
Focus on Readability & Simplicity
Readable code is essential not only for yourself but also for other people who may have to read or modify your program later on down the line.
Keeping things simple by breaking down steps into smaller chunks helps make the logic behind each line clearer while also giving the added benefit of compactness and efficiency so it can run faster too!
Make Use of Documentation
Good documentation is key when learning how different parts of Python work together since it provides an overview or instructions on what needs doing from start to finish in order to execute a particular task successfully.
In addition, online resources such as Stack Overflow provide helpful insight from experienced developers who have already gone through similar issues, so make sure to make the most out of all available resources.
Comment Your Code
Commenting on your code helps organize ideas logically while also providing information about what each section does in case someone else needs clarification on what your program does exactly - this becomes increasingly important as programs become more complex over time too.
This section should also include notes explaining why certain decisions were made during development to give context behind lines existing (e.g., "Added this loop because…).
Understand User Input & Outputs
Knowing how user input & outputs work together helps prevent errors before they occur – user input validation ensures only valid data gets accepted while output formatting confirms that results display correctly on screen after they've been processed by the system (e.g., print statements).
Being able to understand these processes properly plays a key role in ensuring the program runs smoothly every single time.
Practice Debugging Regularly
Debugging involves finding and fixing errors within programs which can range from small typos through completely rewriting sections depending on how complex the issue at hand appears to be.
Practicing debugging regularly helps keep your skills sharp since you'll become accustomed to different types of errors and how to effectively solve them as quickly as possible.
Use Code Refactoring
Refactoring is the process of restructuring existing code to improve its readability, simplify logic & reduce complexity while still maintaining all the same functionality – this can help speed up development time by eliminating redundant lines or consolidating multiple functions into one single task.
Refactoring also makes it easier for others to understand everything since unnecessary clutter has been removed from the original source file.
Take Breaks
It's easy to get caught up in coding sessions, especially when there are deadlines looming overhead but taking short breaks throughout can help prevent burnout and allow the brain time to reset.
Be sure to stand up, move around & come back refreshed with new ideas to tackle the problem, even if it means five minutes away from the computer screen.
Have Fun
Learning coding languages can be overwhelming but having fun while doing it makes all the difference – set mini goals at regular intervals to keep yourself motivated and take pride in every accomplishment, no matter how small they may seem.
Be part of online communities or forums too where there's always someone willing to offer a suggestion or two on how best to approach different tasks.
Soufiane Sakhi is an AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate and a professional full stack developer.